Worked with a team to develop the theme, look and feel for the eleventh year of the Big Slick Celebrity Weekend fundraiser, “Unscripted, Unedited, Unlike Anything Else.” We channeled the chaotic energy of the past events, reflected in this kinetic and vibrant design. Created at Barkley.

Three posters in an urban setting to advertise the Big Slick event. One is individual host specific (Rob Riggle), one is all 5 hosts, and one is a text-only design.
A mockup of a billboard in an urban setting displaying an advertisement featuring the 5 hosts of the Big Slick event and the dates of the event.
A facebook banner featuring all 5 hosts and the dates of the event, as well as a post announcing the event.
Instagram posts featuring guest celebrity announcements as well as general hype posts for the event.
Kinetic scrolling text with the name of the Big Slick theme, "Unscripted, Unedited, Unlike Anything Else."
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